31 May 2008


Summary of Daphnia Nutritional Value

Daphnia (Dry)

Protein – 50 % of Dry Weight
Fat – 20% to 27 % of Dry Weight
Carbohydrates – 20% - 25% of Dry Weight

Live Daphnia (95% of water)

Protein – 4%
Fat – 0.54%
Carbohydrates – 0.67%
High in Omega 3 – increase growth of fish fry

Why feed daphnia to goldfish? Advantages?

1. Easy to digest and absorb by goldfish
2. Goldfish fry 1st food
3. Increase growth rate for adult and young goldfish fry
4. High in Omega 3
5. High in Protein
6. High in Calcium
7. Colouration Enhancement
8. Can be frozen, meal can be divided separately – Value for Money