Analects of Confucius: A superior man 君子 is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.He makes the difficulty to be overcome his first interest; success only comes later and thinks always of virtue and what is right. Inferior man 小人 who is petty in mind and heart, narrowly self-interested, greedy, superficial, or materialistic.
23 December 2012
18 December 2012
金 鱼发生变异的主要部位有:体态、体色、眼睛、鼻间隔、肉茸、鳞片、鳍、鳃盖等,有时在一种金鱼的身体上能表现出二种、三种或者各多的变异,例如一尾红色的 金鱼(体色变异),龙睛眼(眼的变异),这尾金鱼就称为“红龙睛”,若它的鼻部有绒球(鼻的变异),这尾鱼就应该称为红龙睛绒球,若尾鳍是蝶尾形状(尾的 变异),则应称之为“红龙睛绒球蝶尾”或“红龙睛蝶尾绒球”。如果是一尾红色无背鳍(体色、背鳍有变异)的金鱼,若是短尾鳍,称为“红蛋金”,长尾鳍称为 “红丹凤”,若是头部发达肉瘤的(头的变异),则称为“红虎头”。根据《中国金鱼图鉴》记载的由19位专家审定的“中国金鱼名录”统计出共有565个金鱼 种类(包括颜色变异和各部位的变异,这其中有些种类目前已经不存在),有52个大的类别(不包括颜色的变异)。实际上如此纷繁复杂的金鱼品种,就是上面所 说的几个主要变异部位的不同组合。下面仅就金鱼发生变异的这几个主要部位,做一个详细说明。

对 于金鱼的体形,人们的审美是喜欢短圆肥美的体态。金鱼的体形与它的祖先,有着很大的区别,发生了很大的变化。金鱼的祖先鲫鱼的体形,是呈纺锤型的流线体 态。这种体形便于在水中快速游动。阻力小,便于逃避天敌。而金鱼则由于长期生活于人工的环境中,生活空间只是局限于盆池之间,活动范围较小,而且没有天敌 的危害,因此体型发生了很大的变化。主要的变化是体长变短,体型变圆。而且身体的横截面,也由扁变圆。

五 彩斑斓的金鱼,红的似火,黄的象金,黑的如墨,白的若玉。更有那,紫色的典雅,蓝色的幽静,橙色的阳光。还有那变幻莫测,绚丽多姿的复色金鱼。黑白相间的 如熊猫,红顶白身的似仙鹤,蓝身白腹的若喜鹊,五彩斑斓的象彩球。真是色彩斑斓,令人目不暇接。金鱼的体色有单一色和混杂色两大类。单色有红、橙、紫、 黄、白、蓝、黑等;混杂色有两种或两种以上颜色构成的彩色品种。这里要特别说明的是,金鱼体色的紫色,并不是现在意义的紫色,而是棕色,日本人称茶色,蓝 色也不是现在所说的蓝色,而是黑中闪着深蓝色,如深藏蓝色。在五花金鱼中常具有真正意义上的蓝色的色块,如天兰底子上镶嵌红黑的色块。
金 鱼的体色随着身体的发育,逐渐发生着改变,在其一生会发生数次变色。金鱼一生的体色主要会发生三次改变。第一 阶段:鱼苗时期的变色。第二阶段:幼鱼时期的脱色。第三阶段:老龄时期的退色。经常会发生这样的情况。有人买了几条黑色的金鱼,经过一段时间的饲养,变成 黑红色块相间或红色,以为异事,再经过一段时间,墨色完全褪去,红色也开始褪色,可能又褪色成红白色块相间,或最终完全褪成白色,真可谓“娇容三变”。
金 鱼鳞片中含黑色素体、黄色素体和淡兰色反光质。橙红色金鱼缺少黑色素体:墨色金鱼的黑色素体和黄色素体浓密;白色金鱼则没有黑色素体和黄色素体;紫色金鱼 的黄色素体浓密而黑色素体稀疏;蓝色金鱼缺少黄色素体;紫蓝色金鱼无黑色素体,而黄色素体和淡蓝色反光质发育旺盛;杂斑或五花金鱼则是由这三种色素体依不 同数量、比例相混而组成各种花的的图案。不同色素所占比例的不同,所组成的体色也各异。复色金鱼由两种以上的色块组成,而形成千变万化的图案。如同天然的 调色板, 运用几种原色,调配出美丽的色彩。

金 鱼的眼睛最早出现的变化,是眼睛逐渐变大,而突出于眼眶之外,形状如算盘,古人谓之“龙睛”,意思就是象中国古代龙的眼睛一样。不过这种金鱼的眼睛,并不 由于眼睛的变大而视力变佳,反而常出现近视,并且易生白内障。这种突出的金鱼眼,日本称之为“出目”。如果这种金鱼的眼睛不但突出,而且翻转向上,如永远 望着天空,那么具有这种眼型的金鱼,就被人称之为“望天金鱼”。据说这种金鱼,在中国封建社会的宫廷,深受青睐,因为它永远都在崇敬地仰望着它的皇上。望 天金鱼形状滑稽,因看不见缸底和前方,常依靠嗅觉觅食。出目金鱼还有眼型翻转向前的,如探照灯,不过较少见。
此外金鱼眼型的变异,还 有就是在眼睛下面出现一个内含淋巴液的水泡。当水泡较小时,人称“蛤蟆头”。水泡较大,如两个鸡蛋,垂于眼下。游动时,水泡在水中,上下左右颤动,如随时 欲破,可爱有趣,这就是著名的“水泡金鱼”了。水泡金鱼以水泡大而软,泡液清亮,左右对称为优。还有一种新品种的四水泡金鱼。除了传统的两个眼部水泡外, 在金鱼的头部口下还挂着两个小水泡。不过这种金鱼,虽然奇特,但体形似乎过于怪诞。

绒 球金鱼的绒球是由于鼻腔粘膜变异造成的,现在绒球金鱼的品种也有很多,各种颜色都出现过,还有单球、双球和四球之分。金鱼的鼻部的鼻翼发生了变异,形成两 个肉球长于头部。这种金鱼就称之为“绒球金鱼”。肉球可紧可散,紧的似绒球,散的似花朵,一般以松紧合度为宜。两个绒球随金鱼的游动而摆动,十分可爱。还 有绒球有多种颜色,有与金鱼体色相同的,也有与金鱼的体色不同的。如著名的紫身红绒球,就是身体是棕紫色,却长着两个鲜红的绒球。上海动物园还培育出一种 四绒球的金鱼,更是可爱。单绒球的金鱼实际上原来是长着两个绒球,培育者通过手术的方式,去掉了一个绒球,使另一个绒球超常发育,使金鱼头顶顶着一个巨大 的彩球。一般选用蛋种金鱼,形成金鱼顶球的趣味。

肉 茸,北京地区称为“堆玉”,有些地方把金鱼的茸叫做肉瘤,这种叫法不仅不雅,而且那种表层增生物跟瘤并没有什么联系。肉茸是金鱼发生的又一变异。最早是金 鱼的头部发生肉质增生。这种增生逐渐增加,使头顶部长成一个肉质的冠型,成为“帽子金鱼”。头顶的肉质增厚逐渐向两腮发展,进而长满两腮,使金鱼的鱼头看 上去威武硕大,如虎生威,头顶褶皱中内隐一个“王”字,人称“虎头金鱼”。如果肉茸发育丰满,使金鱼头部长成肉球型,看上去似雄狮的头部,这种金鱼就叫做 “狮子头”了。因为这种鱼头茸发达,且茸粒令人联想起中国宅门口摆放的石狮的卷毛。英文中这种鱼的称谓为“lionhead”,也就是狮子头的意思。日本 最著名的金鱼“兰寿”的头部也长满肉茸,只是比较匀称。还有就是从金鱼肉茸的特点来看,帽子金鱼中有一种皇冠珍珠金鱼,头顶的肉茸,形似皇冠,高高耸起, 有的还长成“心型”,更加有趣。狮子金鱼中肉茸头顶十分发达,形似菊花,人称“菊花头”。凡此种种,变幻无穷。

珍 珠鳞的出现,是很难得的突变。其特征是鳞片上堆积了大量的钙质,因而呈现坚硬的半球形凸起。一尾优良的珍珠鳞金鱼,全身好像镶满了珍珠,整整齐齐,饱饱满 满;尤其伴随著肥胖浑圆的身材,更令人爱不释手。 珍珠鳞的出现,才不过一百年出头;现在已经发展出稳定而多样的品种(品系)。大致可分短鳍和长鳍两大系统。短鳍者以浑圆的「球形珍珠鳞」最可爱;而长鳍者 以「鹅头珍珠鳞」最特殊。鳞性方面分属透明鳞和不透明鳞两型。在色彩方面,有五花、红白和橙红、黑色,以及较少见的紫色和更难得一见的蓝色。其中最普遍的 是红白透明珍珠鳞。此外,还有跟其他金鱼杂交,产生各式各样的品种,就不在话下。

金 鱼的尾鳍,即金鱼之尾,是其最有特色的地方,也是金鱼最为迷人的所在。最早的鲫鱼是单尾的,体型是流线形的。这样的体型便于在水中快速游动。随着金鱼家养 观赏,金鱼品种的变异,出现了双尾的品种。而这一品种特征被作为一种有观赏价值的特点而被保留了下来。双尾是金鱼特有尾鳍出现的标志。
最 后,是尾鳍的展开角度。最早的两尾鳍并行,随着变异,逐渐开展成角。一般金鱼均是这种八字角。而这种角度可逐渐变大,成一字型或反八字型。这就是蝶尾金鱼 了,其中蝶尾金鱼中,如果尾鳍上翻,鳍梢向前,可达头部,又称为回雉尾,江苏如皋的回雉尾金鱼最有名,日本的木佐金就是这样的尾型。如果两尾鳍由原来的平 行并列到九十度开尾,这就是孔雀尾金鱼了,例如日本的地金,是和金的突变种。体形与和金相同,略呈细长形,最适于侧面观赏。尾鳍四叶、展开时与体轴相垂 直.形如孔雀尾,所以别名为孔雀。这里要特别说明的是,蝶尾金鱼或孔雀尾金鱼,因为尾鳍变异较大。在水中泳动时,似翩翩起舞。但这种金鱼的活动能力有限, 故水深不宜过深,以十到二十公分为宜,水太深,则鱼上下游动不便。
金 鱼发生变异的主要部位有:体态、体色、眼睛、鼻间隔、肉茸、鳞片、鳍、鳃盖等,有时在一种金鱼的身体上能表现出二种、三种或者各多的变异,例如一尾红色的 金鱼(体色变异),龙睛眼(眼的变异),这尾金鱼就称为“红龙睛”,若它的鼻部有绒球(鼻的变异),这尾鱼就应该称为红龙睛绒球,若尾鳍是蝶尾形状(尾的 变异),则应称之为“红龙睛绒球蝶尾”或“红龙睛蝶尾绒球”。如果是一尾红色无背鳍(体色、背鳍有变异)的金鱼,若是短尾鳍,称为“红蛋金”,长尾鳍称为 “红丹凤”,若是头部发达肉瘤的(头的变异),则称为“红虎头”。根据《中国金鱼图鉴》记载的由19位专家审定的“中国金鱼名录”统计出共有565个金鱼 种类(包括颜色变异和各部位的变异,这其中有些种类目前已经不存在),有52个大的类别(不包括颜色的变异)。实际上如此纷繁复杂的金鱼品种,就是上面所 说的几个主要变异部位的不同组合。下面仅就金鱼发生变异的这几个主要部位,做一个详细说明。

对 于金鱼的体形,人们的审美是喜欢短圆肥美的体态。金鱼的体形与它的祖先,有着很大的区别,发生了很大的变化。金鱼的祖先鲫鱼的体形,是呈纺锤型的流线体 态。这种体形便于在水中快速游动。阻力小,便于逃避天敌。而金鱼则由于长期生活于人工的环境中,生活空间只是局限于盆池之间,活动范围较小,而且没有天敌 的危害,因此体型发生了很大的变化。主要的变化是体长变短,体型变圆。而且身体的横截面,也由扁变圆。

五 彩斑斓的金鱼,红的似火,黄的象金,黑的如墨,白的若玉。更有那,紫色的典雅,蓝色的幽静,橙色的阳光。还有那变幻莫测,绚丽多姿的复色金鱼。黑白相间的 如熊猫,红顶白身的似仙鹤,蓝身白腹的若喜鹊,五彩斑斓的象彩球。真是色彩斑斓,令人目不暇接。金鱼的体色有单一色和混杂色两大类。单色有红、橙、紫、 黄、白、蓝、黑等;混杂色有两种或两种以上颜色构成的彩色品种。这里要特别说明的是,金鱼体色的紫色,并不是现在意义的紫色,而是棕色,日本人称茶色,蓝 色也不是现在所说的蓝色,而是黑中闪着深蓝色,如深藏蓝色。在五花金鱼中常具有真正意义上的蓝色的色块,如天兰底子上镶嵌红黑的色块。
金 鱼的体色随着身体的发育,逐渐发生着改变,在其一生会发生数次变色。金鱼一生的体色主要会发生三次改变。第一 阶段:鱼苗时期的变色。第二阶段:幼鱼时期的脱色。第三阶段:老龄时期的退色。经常会发生这样的情况。有人买了几条黑色的金鱼,经过一段时间的饲养,变成 黑红色块相间或红色,以为异事,再经过一段时间,墨色完全褪去,红色也开始褪色,可能又褪色成红白色块相间,或最终完全褪成白色,真可谓“娇容三变”。
金 鱼鳞片中含黑色素体、黄色素体和淡兰色反光质。橙红色金鱼缺少黑色素体:墨色金鱼的黑色素体和黄色素体浓密;白色金鱼则没有黑色素体和黄色素体;紫色金鱼 的黄色素体浓密而黑色素体稀疏;蓝色金鱼缺少黄色素体;紫蓝色金鱼无黑色素体,而黄色素体和淡蓝色反光质发育旺盛;杂斑或五花金鱼则是由这三种色素体依不 同数量、比例相混而组成各种花的的图案。不同色素所占比例的不同,所组成的体色也各异。复色金鱼由两种以上的色块组成,而形成千变万化的图案。如同天然的 调色板, 运用几种原色,调配出美丽的色彩。

金 鱼的眼睛最早出现的变化,是眼睛逐渐变大,而突出于眼眶之外,形状如算盘,古人谓之“龙睛”,意思就是象中国古代龙的眼睛一样。不过这种金鱼的眼睛,并不 由于眼睛的变大而视力变佳,反而常出现近视,并且易生白内障。这种突出的金鱼眼,日本称之为“出目”。如果这种金鱼的眼睛不但突出,而且翻转向上,如永远 望着天空,那么具有这种眼型的金鱼,就被人称之为“望天金鱼”。据说这种金鱼,在中国封建社会的宫廷,深受青睐,因为它永远都在崇敬地仰望着它的皇上。望 天金鱼形状滑稽,因看不见缸底和前方,常依靠嗅觉觅食。出目金鱼还有眼型翻转向前的,如探照灯,不过较少见。
此外金鱼眼型的变异,还 有就是在眼睛下面出现一个内含淋巴液的水泡。当水泡较小时,人称“蛤蟆头”。水泡较大,如两个鸡蛋,垂于眼下。游动时,水泡在水中,上下左右颤动,如随时 欲破,可爱有趣,这就是著名的“水泡金鱼”了。水泡金鱼以水泡大而软,泡液清亮,左右对称为优。还有一种新品种的四水泡金鱼。除了传统的两个眼部水泡外, 在金鱼的头部口下还挂着两个小水泡。不过这种金鱼,虽然奇特,但体形似乎过于怪诞。

绒 球金鱼的绒球是由于鼻腔粘膜变异造成的,现在绒球金鱼的品种也有很多,各种颜色都出现过,还有单球、双球和四球之分。金鱼的鼻部的鼻翼发生了变异,形成两 个肉球长于头部。这种金鱼就称之为“绒球金鱼”。肉球可紧可散,紧的似绒球,散的似花朵,一般以松紧合度为宜。两个绒球随金鱼的游动而摆动,十分可爱。还 有绒球有多种颜色,有与金鱼体色相同的,也有与金鱼的体色不同的。如著名的紫身红绒球,就是身体是棕紫色,却长着两个鲜红的绒球。上海动物园还培育出一种 四绒球的金鱼,更是可爱。单绒球的金鱼实际上原来是长着两个绒球,培育者通过手术的方式,去掉了一个绒球,使另一个绒球超常发育,使金鱼头顶顶着一个巨大 的彩球。一般选用蛋种金鱼,形成金鱼顶球的趣味。

肉 茸,北京地区称为“堆玉”,有些地方把金鱼的茸叫做肉瘤,这种叫法不仅不雅,而且那种表层增生物跟瘤并没有什么联系。肉茸是金鱼发生的又一变异。最早是金 鱼的头部发生肉质增生。这种增生逐渐增加,使头顶部长成一个肉质的冠型,成为“帽子金鱼”。头顶的肉质增厚逐渐向两腮发展,进而长满两腮,使金鱼的鱼头看 上去威武硕大,如虎生威,头顶褶皱中内隐一个“王”字,人称“虎头金鱼”。如果肉茸发育丰满,使金鱼头部长成肉球型,看上去似雄狮的头部,这种金鱼就叫做 “狮子头”了。因为这种鱼头茸发达,且茸粒令人联想起中国宅门口摆放的石狮的卷毛。英文中这种鱼的称谓为“lionhead”,也就是狮子头的意思。日本 最著名的金鱼“兰寿”的头部也长满肉茸,只是比较匀称。还有就是从金鱼肉茸的特点来看,帽子金鱼中有一种皇冠珍珠金鱼,头顶的肉茸,形似皇冠,高高耸起, 有的还长成“心型”,更加有趣。狮子金鱼中肉茸头顶十分发达,形似菊花,人称“菊花头”。凡此种种,变幻无穷。

珍 珠鳞的出现,是很难得的突变。其特征是鳞片上堆积了大量的钙质,因而呈现坚硬的半球形凸起。一尾优良的珍珠鳞金鱼,全身好像镶满了珍珠,整整齐齐,饱饱满 满;尤其伴随著肥胖浑圆的身材,更令人爱不释手。 珍珠鳞的出现,才不过一百年出头;现在已经发展出稳定而多样的品种(品系)。大致可分短鳍和长鳍两大系统。短鳍者以浑圆的「球形珍珠鳞」最可爱;而长鳍者 以「鹅头珍珠鳞」最特殊。鳞性方面分属透明鳞和不透明鳞两型。在色彩方面,有五花、红白和橙红、黑色,以及较少见的紫色和更难得一见的蓝色。其中最普遍的 是红白透明珍珠鳞。此外,还有跟其他金鱼杂交,产生各式各样的品种,就不在话下。

金 鱼的尾鳍,即金鱼之尾,是其最有特色的地方,也是金鱼最为迷人的所在。最早的鲫鱼是单尾的,体型是流线形的。这样的体型便于在水中快速游动。随着金鱼家养 观赏,金鱼品种的变异,出现了双尾的品种。而这一品种特征被作为一种有观赏价值的特点而被保留了下来。双尾是金鱼特有尾鳍出现的标志。
最 后,是尾鳍的展开角度。最早的两尾鳍并行,随着变异,逐渐开展成角。一般金鱼均是这种八字角。而这种角度可逐渐变大,成一字型或反八字型。这就是蝶尾金鱼 了,其中蝶尾金鱼中,如果尾鳍上翻,鳍梢向前,可达头部,又称为回雉尾,江苏如皋的回雉尾金鱼最有名,日本的木佐金就是这样的尾型。如果两尾鳍由原来的平 行并列到九十度开尾,这就是孔雀尾金鱼了,例如日本的地金,是和金的突变种。体形与和金相同,略呈细长形,最适于侧面观赏。尾鳍四叶、展开时与体轴相垂 直.形如孔雀尾,所以别名为孔雀。这里要特别说明的是,蝶尾金鱼或孔雀尾金鱼,因为尾鳍变异较大。在水中泳动时,似翩翩起舞。但这种金鱼的活动能力有限, 故水深不宜过深,以十到二十公分为宜,水太深,则鱼上下游动不便。
16 December 2012
14 December 2012
11 December 2012
08 December 2012
04 December 2012
曾和叶 老师,潘老师他们几个前辈聊过喂鱼的饵料,福州养鱼喂鱼的饵料主要有:鱼饲料(分为成品饲料和自己煮制的饲料),水蚯蚓(分为田虫和河虫),水蚤和红虫还 有各类浮萍。过去还有使用过贝壳肉,田螺肉,虾米,蚕蛹粉,猪血粉等材料不过这些东西加工来源较不方便现在使用的很少了。
鱼饲料就像是人类吃的米饭和面食,人要长个子就得吃米饭和面食,鱼也一样饲料就是不可缺少的主食。成品饲料就不用说了。而自己煮制的饲料是用鱼粉加次粉等 和起来煮熟制成的饲料,成分大同小异但各个时期鱼粉和次粉的比例是不同的,制作出来的饲料并不是鱼粉放得越多越好,蛋白含量越高越好必须符合金鱼不同生长 时期,不同季节的营养需求,要让鱼能好消化好吸收不造成浪费。当然再好的主食也会吃腻的,鱼要是长期只食用饲料对体色,品种特征等方面会明显的影响所以还 需要大量的配菜来下饭。
水蚯蚓像是人类食用的肉类,人吃肉可以长肉,会变得很强壮。而金鱼吃了十全大补的水蚯蚓可以提高生长速度,水蚯蚓富含的蛋白质和脂肪对头瘤类的金鱼发头是 很有好处的。有利就有弊,就像人吃多了肉类就会营养过剩发胖,臃肿那样金鱼如果老是吃水蚯蚓也容易引起过分肥胖,食欲下降,生长过速衰老加快等毛病。还有 现在污染严重水蚯蚓含有大量的重金属物质对金鱼的健康有较大的危害。潘老师曾经说过使用水蚯蚓喂鱼如果长期不配合饲料喂养会导致金鱼食欲严重下降活动力变 差。
最后引用叶老师曾经说过的话“金鱼是杂食性动物,食物品种越多样化越丰富对金鱼生长越有好处”。现在是有些高端饲料可以做到营养全面并且容易消化吸收,不 过这样的饲料价格也是不低的如果饲养的鱼较多这饲料成本也是不小的开销。我想可以混合使用多种不同的金鱼饲料甚至可以使用锦鲤或热带鱼的饲料再配合各种天 然饵料(水蚯蚓,红虫,水蚤,贝壳类的肉等等)也能尽力使金鱼摄入的营养更加全面,使金鱼保持良好的食欲,使金鱼能更美丽更健康。
03 December 2012
How to make soya bean milk?
Step1: Ingredients
You need about 100 g whole soya beans to make 1 liter of soy milk.
Step2: Soaking and dehulling the soya beans
Soak them in water for 8 - 10 hours. Pour away the water after soaking and flushing the soya beans two time before proceed to grind.
Step3: Grinding the soya beans
Grind the soaked soya beans and 1 liter water in a blender. Sieve the mixture trough a cheese cloth and recover the soya milk. The insoluble material which remains on the sieve is called okara (soya pulp).
Step4: Boiling the soya milk
Heat the soya milk till boiling point for 10-15 minutes with continuous stirring. After cooling, the soya milk is ready.
Step5: Flavouring the soya milk
Add sugar or honey to taste.
28 November 2012
金 鱼出现浮头并且漫无目的地绕着鱼缸转圈,或者同时伴随着鳃盖的活动失常,那么,基本就可以确定是寄生虫引起的疾病了。而且,鱼鳃已经受到寄生虫的侵袭。假 如还有粘液增多的现象出现,那就更加可以肯定是体表寄生虫惹的祸。如果整缸金鱼都受到寄生虫感染的话,它们就会结群地在水面绕鱼缸转圈。可以用3%浓度的 盐水、或者采取高锰酸钾溶液进行药浴治疗;同样可以采用全缸泼洒青蒿素或者苦楝数的枝叶甚至是内服杀虫药物的办法进行杀虫治疗
这 是因为缺氧而发生的呼吸异常情况,并且会伴随着鳃盖活动的失灵现象。往往是因为寄生虫在鱼鳃上寄生,影响鱼鳃进行气体交换过程所引起的。但是,我们应该有 所区别的是,药物中毒也有类似的情况发生,比如说氯气中毒、长期不换水或者水质恶化引起的氨中毒等现象,都会使得金鱼呼吸急促、浮头并且把鳃盖张开至最大 程度,原因是金鱼的鳃丝受到化学物质的侵蚀而逐步丧失气体交换的能力。同样地,酸中毒也会因为刺激金鱼分泌大量的粘液,尤其是鳃丝受粘液的影响而妨碍气体 交换的过程,最终也会导致类似的问题出现。
而 国外也有研究指出,溶解于水中的亚硝酸盐,能够轻易地穿透鱼的身体,进入血液,并与血红蛋白结合,从而使血红蛋白丧失携带氧气的能力。因此,在亚硝酸盐严 重超标的鱼缸当中,鱼类都会出现浮头现象,而且,即使把增氧设备开足最大马力,进行增氧,也无法缓解鱼类的浮头现象。情况就有点类似于人类的煤气中毒。
正 因为如此,所以在治疗方面是应该分别对待的,如果是寄生虫引起的话,可以参照上面的办法进行治疗;如果是中毒的话,必须进行紧急换水,并施加解毒药物,通 常情况下,维生素C可以起到一定的解毒和抗应激作用。而亚硝酸盐中毒,可以在水中添加适量的盐,作为缓解,但这也只是权宜之计,根本的解决之道,还是在于 换水工作与过滤系统的完善之上。
21 November 2012
Cauliflower / Broccoli
What's New and Beneficial About Broccoli
- Broccoli can provide you with some special cholesterol-lowering benefits if you will cook it by steaming. The fiber-related components in broccoli do a better job of binding together with bile acids in your digestive tract when they've been steamed. When this binding process takes place, it's easier for bile acids to be excreted, and the result is a lowering of your cholesterol levels. Raw broccoli still has cholesterol-lowering ability—just not as much.
- Broccoli has a strong, positive impact on our body's detoxification system, and researchers have recently identified one of the key reasons for this detox benefit. Glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiian, and glucobrassicin are 3 glucosinolate phytonutrients found in a special combination in broccoli. This dynamic trio is able to support all steps in body's detox process, including activation, neutralization, and elimination of unwanted contaminants. Isothiocyanates (ITCs) are the detox-regulating molecules made from broccoli's glucosinolates, and they help control the detox process at a genetic level.
- Broccoli may help us solve our vitamin D deficiency epidemic. When large supplemental doses of vitamin D are needed to offset deficiency, ample supplies of vitamin K and vitamin A help keep our vitamin D metabolism in balance. Broccoli has an unusually strong combination of both vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene) and vitamin K. For people faced with the need to rebuild vitamin D stores through vitamin D supplements, broccoli may be an ideal food to include in the diet.
- Broccoli is a particularly rich source of a flavonoid called kaempferol. Recent research has shown the ability of kaempferol to lessen the impact of allergy-related substances on our body. This kaempferol connection helps to explain the unique anti-inflammatory benefits of broccoli, and it should also open the door to future research on the benefits of broccoli for a hypoallergenic diet.
WHFoods Recommendations
Studies have shown that even kids like broccoli and one way to ensure
that they enjoy it is to cook it properly by using our Healthy Steaming
method. Overcooked broccoli becomes soft and mushy, an indication that
it has lost both nutrients and flavor. Begin by cutting broccoli florets
into quarters and let sit for several minutes before cooking to enhance
its health-promoting benefits. Steam for 5 minutes. See Healthiest Way
of Cooking Broccoli below.
You'll want to include broccoli as one of the cruciferous vegetables you eat on a regular basis if you want to receive the fantastic health benefits provided by the cruciferous vegetable family. At a minimum, include cruciferous vegetables as part of your diet 2-3 times per week, and make the serving size at least 1-1/2 cups. Even better from a health standpoint, enjoy broccoli and other vegetables from the cruciferous vegetable group 4-5 times per week, and increase your serving size to 2 cups.
Nutrients in
1.00 cup raw (91.00 grams)
1.00 cup raw (91.00 grams)
Nutrient%Daily Value
vitamin C135.2%
vitamin K115.5%
vitamin A11.3%
vitamin B68%
vitamin B26.4%
vitamin B55.2%
vitamin B14%
vitamin E3.5%
vitamin B32.8%
Calories (30)1%
This chart graphically details the %DV that a serving of Broccoli provides for each of the nutrients of which it is a good, very good, or excellent source according to our Food Rating System. Additional information about the amount of these nutrients provided by Broccoli can be found in the Food Rating System Chart. A link that takes you to the In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Broccoli, featuring information over 80 nutrients, can be found under the Food Rating System Chart.
- Health Benefits
- Description
- History
- How to Select and Store
- Tips for Preparing and Cooking
- How to Enjoy
- Individual Concerns
- Nutritional Profile
- References
The Cancer/Inflammation/Oxidative Stress/Detox Connection
Exposure to potentially toxic substances in our food and water, or in
the air we breathe both indoors and outdoors, exposure to
allergy-triggering substances, poor general health, dietary
deficiencies, use of prescription and over-the-counter medications, and
other lifestyle practices can result in a level of danger to our bodies
that prompts our inflammatory system to work in overdrive on a 24/7
basis. Researchers often refer to this phenomenon as "chronic
inflammation." Often contributing to this level of danger is a weakened
detox ability in our body. If our liver, skin, and other organ systems
cannot keep up with and detoxify the number of potential toxins that we
encounter, too many potential toxins remain at large throughout our
body. Once again, the result is a level of risk that prompts chronic
On a more temporary, short-term basis, inflammation is part of good health. Whether physical or chemical in nature, whenever our body detects a wound, it typically responds by trying to heal with an inflammatory response. That process is healthy, so long as it is not constant and uninterrupted. But unlike the helpful inflammation that takes place we get a simple cut or bruise, chronic inflammation—when it becomes a standard feature of our metabolism—is incompatible with good health. When our bodies are overwhelmed day in and day out with chronic inflammation, many other metabolic balances can get thrown out of kilter, including the balance in our oxygen metabolism. An unwanted imbalance starts to occur in which too many overly reactive, oxygen-containing molecules are formed. This condition is called oxidative stress. The increased presence of these overly reactive molecules can do damage to many parts of our cells, including their genetic material (and especially their deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA). Over time, the constant and cumulative DNA damage inside our cells can pose a major risk factor for conversion of healthy cells into cancerous ones.
It's equally possible for this sequence of events to start not with chronic, excessive inflammation, but with chronic oxidative stress. Over time, when overly reactive oxygen-containing molecules cause damage to DNA and other cell structures, our body reads this situation as being highly dangerous and it initiates an inflammatory response to try and reduce the threat posed by the oxidative stress. In either case, we end up with a combination of inadequate detoxification of toxic substances, chronic inflammation and oxidative stress that puts us at greater risk for developing cancer.
In a way that might be unique among foods, the nutrients found in broccoli are able to change this set of connections between inflammation, oxidative stress, detox and cancer. In fact, it would be fair to describe broccoli as containing anti-inflammatory nutrients, antioxidant nutrients, detox-support nutrients, and anti-cancer nutrients as well!
Broccoli's Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
When threatened with dangerous levels of potential toxins, or
dangerous numbers of overly-reactive, oxygen-containing molecules,
signals are sent within our body to our inflammatory system, directing
it to "kick in" and help protect our body from potential damage. One key
signaling device is a molecule called Nf-kappaB. When faced with the
type of dangers described above, the NF-kappaB signaling system is used
to "rev up" our inflammatory response and increase production of
inflammatory components (for example, IL-6, IL-1beta, TNF-alpha, iNOS
and COX-2). This process works beautifully in temporary, short-term
circumstances when healing from injury is required. When it continues
indefinitely at a constant pace, however, it can put us at risk for
serious health problems, including the development of cancer.
Research studies have made it clear that the NF-kappaB signaling system that is used to "rev up" our inflammatory response can be significantly suppressed by isothiocyanates (ITCs). ITCsâ"the compounds made from glucosinolates found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables—actually help to shut down the genetic machinery used to produce NF-kappaB and other components of the inflammatory system. These anti-inflammatory benefits of ITCs have been demonstrated in the laboratory, and with consumption of the ITCs themselves. While they have yet to be demonstrated on consumption of broccoli in an everyday diet, we fully expect future research to show anti-inflammatory benefits from the routine consumption of broccoli (and its glucosinolates), not just from consumption of ITCs.
Lack of omega-3 fat is dietary problem that can cause over-activation of the inflammatory system. The reason is simple: many key anti-inflammatory messaging molecules (like PGH3, TXA3, PGI3, and LTE5) are made from omega-3 fats. We are not accustomed to thinking about non-fatty vegetables as sources of omega-3 fats, but we need to change our thinking in this area. While it is true that there are limited amounts of omega-3s in vegetables like broccoli, it is equally true that their levels of omega-3s can still play an important role in balancing our inflammatory system activity. In 100 calories' worth of broccoli (about 2 cups) there are approximately 450 milligrams of omega-3s (in the form of alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA). That amount of ALA falls into the same general ballpark as the amount provided by one soft gel capsule of flax oil. While we would not want to depend on broccoli as our sole source of dietary omega-3s, we still get important anti-inflammatory benefits from the omega-3s it provides.
As mentioned earlier in this section, chronic inflammation can sometimes get triggered by overexposure to allergy-related substances. In this context, broccoli has yet another anti-inflammatory trick up its sleeve, because it is a rich source of one particular phytonutrient (a flavonol) called kaempferol. Especially inside of our digestive tract, kaempferol has the ability to lessen the impact of allergy-related substances (by lowering the immune system's production of IgE-antibodies). By lessening the impact of allergy-related substances, the kaempferol in broccoli can help lower our risk of chronic inflammation.
Broccoli's Antioxidant Benefits
Amongst all of the commonly consumed cruciferous vegetables, broccoli
stands out as the most concentrated source of a premiere antioxidant
nutrient—vitamin C. This central antioxidant vitamin can provide
longer-term support of oxygen metabolism in the body if it is
accompanied by flavonoids that allow it to recycle. Broccoli provides
many such flavonoids in significant amounts, including the flavonoids
kaempferol and quercitin. Also concentrated in broccoli are the
carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene. All three of these
carotenoids function as key antioxidants. In the case of lutein and
beta-carotene, broccoli has been shown not only to provide significant
amounts of these antioxidants but to significantly increase their blood
levels when consumed in the amount of three cups. Other antioxidants
provided by broccoli in beneficial amounts include vitamin E and the
minerals manganese and zinc.
Considered as a group, the vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, and carotenoids contained in broccoli work to lower risk of oxidative stress in the body. The ability of these nutrients to support oxygen metabolism and avoid excess formation of overly reactive, oxygen-containing molecules makes them equally helpful in lowering risk of chronic inflammation and risk of cancer. If cancer development is compared to a 3-legged stool, the antioxidant benefits of broccoli can be viewed as weakening one leg of the stool, namely the leg called "oxidative stress." We've already seen how the glucosinolates and omega-3 fats in broccoli can be viewed as helping to weaken a second leg of the stool (chronic inflammation). In the next section, we'll look at a third leg of the stool (inadequate detoxification) and see how the nutrients found in broccoli can serve to weaken this leg as well.
Broccoli Can Enhance Detoxification
Most toxins that pose a risk to our cells must be detoxified in our
body by a 2-step process. What's remarkable about broccoli is its
ability to alter activity in both of these two detox steps.
Isothiocyanates (ITCs) made from the glucosinolates in broccoli are
well-documented modifiers of the first step in detoxification (called
Phase I). In fact, some ITCs like sulforaphane can actually help shut
down the genetic machinery that produces certain Phase I enzymes. ITCs
are equally capable of altering the activity of enzymes involved in the
second step of detoxification (called Phase II). From research in the
field of genetics, we know that ITCs can help bridge gaps in Phase II
activity when it is insufficient. Taken in combination, the impact of
ITCs on Phase I and II detox events is unique—and equally unique is the
presence of glucosinolate compounds in broccoli that can be used to make
ITCs. Glucosinolates like glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiian, and
glucobrassicin are simply not found in other foods in the same
combination and concentration that is offered by broccoli. By helping to
promote as well as regulate detox activity in our cells, the ITCs made
from broccoli can help prevent insufficient detoxification of dangerous
substances that threaten our cells.
Broccoli and Cancer Prevention
The unique combination of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and
pro-detoxification components in broccoli make it a unique food in terms
of cancer prevention. Connections between cancer development and
oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, and inadequate detoxification
are so well-documented in the research that any food improving all three
of these metabolic problems would be highly likely to lower our risk of
cancer. In the case of broccoli, the research is strongest in showing
decreased risk of prostate cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, bladder
cancer, and ovarian cancer. We expect that risk of other cancer types
will also eventually be shown to undergo reduction from regular
consumption of broccoli.
How Much Broccoli Is Needed for Cancer Prevention?
Recent studies have also provided us with a much better idea about
the amount of broccoli that we need to lower our cancer risk. At the
lower end of the spectrum, it looks like an average of 1/2 cup of
broccoli per day—only 22 calories' worth of broccoli!—is enough to
provide some measurable benefits. Few people have broccoli on a daily
basis. But a 2-cup serving twice a week would still meet this minimum
average amount. It's important to remember how little this amount
actually in within the context of one week's food. A person eating 2,000
calories per day would be consuming 14,000 calories per week. A 2-cup
serving of broccoli twice a week would provide about 178 calories—only
1% of the total weekly calories! At the higher end of the spectrum,
studies show that more broccoli might be needed to accomplish other
cancer-preventing tasks. For example, one study showed significantly
higher urinary excretion of potential carcinogens from well-done,
grilled meats given daily consumption of broccoli in the range of 9
ounces (250 grams) per day. That gram amount corresponds to
approximately 1.6 cups of broccoli on a daily basis. We've also seen a
study showing that "generous" amounts of broccoli can help optimize
levels of antioxidants in the blood, especially beta-carotene and
lutein. (Optimal antioxidant levels can help lower the risk of oxidative
stress in healthy cells, which also helps lower their risk of becoming
cancerous.) In this study, the term "generous" was used to describe
consumption of broccoli in the amount of 3 cups daily. Once again, that
amount would not be ridiculously high in terms of calories—3 cups would
provide about 132 calories, or 6-7% of a 2,000-calorie diet. But it
might be a greater amount that many people would want to consume on a
regular basis.
For us, the bottom line here is not to treat broccoli like garnish. In recipes like our Asian-Flavored Broccoli with Tofu or 5-Minute Broccoli with Feta Cheese and Kalamata Olives recipes, we use 1 pound of broccoli to provide two servings. That's approximately 1.5 cups of broccoli per serving. There is no reason to shy away from 2-3 cup servings of broccoli when enjoying this cruciferous vegetable, especially if you want to optimize its cancer-preventing benefits. But make sure you're not simply "decorating" your plate with single broccoli stalk and floret.
Broccoli and Digestive Support
The digestive support provided by broccoli falls into two basic
categories: fiber support, and ITC (isothiocyanate) support. At
approximately 1 gram of dietary fiber for every 10 calories, you don't
have to eat much broccoli to get a large amount of your daily
requirement! For 100 calories—only 5% of a 2,000-calorie diet—you get
about 10 grams of fiber, or 40% of the Daily Value (DV). And, 250
calories of broccoli (about 12% of a 2,000-calorie diet) will give you
the full DV! Few components of food support our digestive system as well
as fiber. The speed that food travels through us, the consistency of
food as it moves through our intestine, and bacterial populations in our
intestine are all supported as well as regulated by dietary fiber.
Alongside of broccoli's dietary fibers are its glucosinolates. These phytonutrients are converted by our bodies into isothiocyanates (ITCs). ITCs—and particularly sulforaphane—help protect the health of our stomach lining by helping prevent bacterial overgrowth of Helicobacter pylori or too much clinging by this bacterium to our stomach wall. Broccoli sprouts appear to have especially strong stomach support properties in this regard.
Broccoli and Cardiovascular Support
Although research in this area is still in the early stages,
anti-inflammatory substances found in cruciferous vegetables are
becoming the topic of increasing interest with respect to heart disease.
One particular focus here involves the anti-inflammatory properties of
sulforaphane, one of the isothiocyanates (ITCs) derived from the
glucoraphanin in broccoli. In some individuals susceptible to high blood
sugar, sulforaphane may be able to prevent (or even reverse) some of
the damage to blood vessel linings that can be cause by chronic blood
sugar problems. Decreased risk of heart attacks and strokes may also
eventually be linked in a statistically significant way to intake of
broccoli and its glucoraphanin.
A second area you can count on broccoli for cardiovascular support involves its cholesterol-lowering ability. Our liver uses cholesterol as a basic building block to product bile acids. Bile acids are specialized molecules that aid in the digestion and absorption of fat through a process called emulsification. These molecules are typically stored in fluid form in our gall bladder, and when we eat a fat-containing meal, they get released into the intestine where they help ready the fat for interaction with enzymes and eventual absorption up into the body. When we eat broccoli, fiber-related nutrients in this cruciferous vegetable bind together with some of the bile acids in the intestine in such a way that they simply stay inside the intestine and pass out of our body in a bowel movement, rather than getting absorbed along with the fat they have emulsified. When this happens, our liver needs to replace the lost bile acids by drawing upon our existing supply of cholesterol, and as a result, our cholesterol level drops down. Broccoli provides us with this cholesterol-lowering benefit whether it is raw or cooked. However, a recent study has shown that the cholesterol-lowering ability of raw broccoli improves significantly when it is steamed. In fact, when the cholesterol-lowering ability of steamed broccoli was compared with the cholesterol-lowering ability of the prescription drug cholestyramine (a medication that is taken for the purpose of lowering cholesterol), broccoli bound 33% as many bile acids (based on a standard of comparison involving total dietary fiber).
The B-complex vitamins in broccoli can also make a major contribution to our cardiovascular health. Especially with respect to excessive formation of homocysteine—an event which raises our risk of atherosclerosis, stroke, and heart attack—B-complex vitamin deficiency intake can pose a major risk. Three B vitamins especially important for lowering our risk of hyperhomocysteinemia (excessive formation of homocysteine) are vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folate. By making an important contribution to our B6 and folate intake, broccoli can help us lower our risk of excessive homocysteine formation and cardiovascular problems that are related to excess homocysteine.
Other Health Benefits Provided by Broccoli
Three other areas of health benefits are important to mention when
considering broccoli and its unique combination of nutrients. The first
area is eye health. Two carotenoids found in significant concentrations
in broccoli—lutein and zeaxanthin—play an especially important role in
the health of the eye. In fact, no tissue in the body is more
concentrated with lutein than the area in the outer portion of the
retina (called the peripheral retina). Similarly, in the macula near the
central portion of the retina, zeaxanthin is uniquely concentrated.
Risk of problems involving the macula of the eye (for example, macular
degeneration) and problems involving the lens area of the eye (for
example, cataracts) have both been show to lessen with intake of foods
(including broccoli) that provide significant amounts of the lutein and
zeaxanthin carotenonids.
A second area is skin support, including support of sun-damaged skin. Here it is the glucoraphanin found in broccoli—converted into sulforaphane by the body—that has received the most research attention. Since skin cells can carry out the process of detoxification, it may be detox-related benefits of sulforaphane that are especially important in helping to counteract sun damage.
A third area of increasing research interest involves the metabolism of vitamin D. Broccoli is not a source of this vitamin, but it is an unusually good source of vitamin K and also of vitamin A (in one of its precursor forms, beta-carotene). Many individuals have large vitamin D deficiencies that cannot be remedied through diet alone, and these deficiencies require sizable amounts of vitamin D to be provided through dietary supplementation. When large supplemental doses of vitamin D are needed to offset deficiency, ample supplies of vitamin K and vitamin A appear to help keep our vitamin D metabolism in the proper balance. Assuring adequate intake of vitamins K and A alongside of vitamin D supplementation may turn out to be important in achieving optimal vitamin D supplementation results and avoiding potential problems related to supplementation. Broccoli may turn out to play a particularly helpful role in balancing this set of events by providing its unusually strong combination of both vitamin A and vitamin K.
Other vegetables related to broccoli are broccolini, a mix between broccoli and gai-lin (Chinese broccoli), and broccoflower, a cross between broccoli and cauliflower. Broccoli sprouts have also recently become popular as a result of research uncovering their high concentration of the anti-cancer phytonutrient, sulforaphane.
Place broccoli in a plastic bag, removing as much of the air from the bag as possible. Store in the refrigerator where it will keep for 10 days. Do not wash broccoli before storing because exposure to water encourages spoilage. Partial heads of broccoli should be placed in a well-sealed container or plastic bag and refrigerated. Since the vitamin C content starts to quickly degrade once broccoli has been cut, it is best to use it within a couple of days. Broccoli that has been blanched and then frozen can stay up to a year. Leftover cooked broccoli should be placed in tightly covered container and stored in the refrigerator where it will keep for a few days.
ips for Preparing Broccoli
Rinse broccoli under cold running water. Cut florets into quarters
for quick and even cooking. Be sure to enjoy the stems and leaves of
broccoli; they provide a good balance of flavors. Peel the broccoli stem
and cut the stem into 1/2" slices To get unique health benefits from
broccoli, let it sit for several minutes before cooking.
The Healthiest Way of Cooking Broccoli
If you're cooking broccoli, make sure to support your nourishment by sticking with a low cooking temperature in a range that includes the steaming temperature of 212°F (100°C), with a cooking times of 5 minutes at the most. Since the fibrous stems take longer to cook, they can be prepared separately for a few minutes before adding the florets. For quicker cooking, make lengthwise slits in the stems. While people do not generally eat the leaves, they are perfectly edible and contain concentrated amounts of nutrients.
We recommend Healthy Steaming broccoli for maximum nutrition and flavor. Fill the bottom of a steamer pot with 2 inches of water. While waiting for the water to come to a rapid boil prepare broccoli florets and stems. Steam stems for 2 minutes before adding the florets and leaves. Steam for 5 more minutes. Toss with our Mediterranean Dressing and top with your favorite optional ingredients.
ealthy Steaming versus Microwaving Broccoli
The principle of a 212°F (100°C) or lower cooking temperature leaves
you with several cooking options for your broccoli. Our cooking method
of choice for this cruciferous vegetable is steaming. We've seen studies
on flavonoids in broccoli, B complex vitamins in broccoli, vitamin C in
broccoli, as well as carotenoids and chlorophyll and glucosinolates in
broccoli, and in all cases, steaming has been shown to do a better job
of preserving nutrients than other cooking methods. You'll find some
websites encouraging you to microwave your vegetables, including
broccoli. We don't believe that this recommendation is supported by the
research. But in addition, we believe that it's important for you to
understand why. Many nutrients can be lost from food when the food
surface comes into direct contact with water. Hotter water temperatures
leech more nutrients from food, as will longer cooking times. Most
research on microwaved broccoli has involved the placement of broccoli
in a microwave container that has been partially or completely filled
with water. That practice means direct water contact with all or part of
the broccoli surfaces. Steaming, by comparison, leaves the broccoli in
contact with steam only and can reduce nutrient loss for this reason.
It's possible to steam broccoli in a microwave, but since metal
containers (like stainless steel) cannot be used in a microwave oven,
plastic microwave steamers are the only widely available option here,
and we generally try to avoid the heating of foods in plastic in the
microwave due to risk of plastic migration into the food. All of the
factors described above makes it difficult to microwave broccoli with as
little direct water contact or as shortened cooking times as steaming.
We also like the more uniform exposure to heat that occurs with
Stir-Frying Broccoli
In general, we try to avoid the stir-frying of foods in oil due to
risk of nutrient damage in the oil from high heat. That being said, we
have seen a study of broccoli stir-frying that produced some fairly
encouraging results with respect to nutrient retention in the broccoli.
(The study did not measure nutrient damage in the oil.) The stir-frying
took place for 3-1/2 minutes in a frying pan heated to 248°-284°F
(120°-140°C). Approximately two-thirds or more of the nutrients examined
(including vitamins, minerals, phenols, and glucosinolates) were
retained after stir-frying. Given these results, if you are planning to
stir-fry your broccoli, we'd recommend a lower-heat skillet (at
approximately 250°F/121°C) and a relatively short stir-frying time of
about 3 minutes or less.
Raw Broccoli and Broccoli Sprouts
Both cooked and raw broccoli can make excellent additions to your
meal plan. If you enjoy raw broccoli, by all means include it in your
diet! There may be some special advantages for your digestive tract when
broccoli is eaten in uncooked form. And if you're concerned about
issues involving enzymes and sulfur compounds in broccoli—don't be! With
fresh raw broccoli, simple slicing a few minutes prior to eating or
thorough chewing of unsliced pieces will help activate
sulfur-metabolizing enzymes. Another form of broccoli you may also want
to try in you enjoy raw broccoli is broccoli sprouts. Some of the
nutrients found in broccoli—like vitamin C—are especially concentrated
in broccoli sprouts. Remember that all raw broccoli requires more
thorough chewing than cooked broccoli, so take your time enjoying the
textures and flavors of this amazing vegetable.
Nutrient and Health Benefits of Raw Broccoli
We've been especially impressed in the most recent research by the
impact of uncooked broccoli—as well as uncooked broccoli sprouts—on the
health of the stomach and stomach lining. Many stomach problems have
been linked in research studies with overgrowth of a bacterium called
Helicobacter pylori, and also with excessive attachment of this
bacterium to the inner stomach lining. Raw broccoli sprouts appear to
provide special stomach support with respect to these unwanted
overgrowth and over-attachment circumstances. It's not that steamed
broccoli provides no support in this regard, because it does provide
support. It's just that uncooked broccoli and broccoli sprouts may be
especially helpful in providing these benefits. We've seen several
research studies using what's called "HG broccoli," or high
glucosinolate broccoli, to investigate genetic activities in the stomach
lining cells. The glucosinolates in broccoli are clearly a key part of
broccoli's ability to support stomach health, and they are very likely
to alter gene expression in cells that provide the stomach with its
inner lining. HG broccoli is not a commercially marketed form of
broccoli that you can find in the grocery store, but ordinary broccoli
will still provide you with plenty of glucosinolate phytonutrients.
Broccoli as a "Goitrogenic" Food
Broccoli is sometimes referred to as a "goitrogenic" food. Yet,
contrary to popular belief, according to the latest studies, foods
themselves—broccoli included—are not "goitrogenic" in the sense of
causing goiter whenever they are consumed, or even when they are
consumed in excess. In fact, most foods that are commonly called
"goitrogenic"—such as the cruciferous vegetables (including broccoli,
kale, and cauliflower) and soyfoods—do not interfere with thyroid
function in healthy persons even when they are consumed on a daily
basis. Nor is it scientifically correct to say that foods "contain
goitrogens," at least not if you are thinking about goitrogens as a
category of substances like proteins, carbohydrates, or vitamins. With
respect to the health of our thyroid gland, all that can be contained in
a food are nutrients that provide us with a variety of health benefits
but which, under certain circumstances, can also interfere with thyroid
function. The term "goitrogenic food" makes it sound as if something is
wrong with the food, but that is simply not the case. What causes
problems for certain individuals is not the food itself but the
mismatched nature of certain substances within the food to their unique
health circumstances.
Broccoli is also concentrated in phytonutrients. In one particular phytonutrient category—glucosinolates—broccoli is simply outstanding. The isothiocyanates (ITCs) made from broccoli's glucosinolates are the key to broccoli's cancer-preventive benefits.
n-Depth Nutritional Profile
In addition to the nutrients highlighted in our ratings chart, an
in-depth nutritional profile for Broccoli
is also available. This profile includes information on a full array of
nutrients, including carbohydrates, sugar, soluble and insoluble fiber,
sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and more.
Introduction to Food Rating System Chart
In order to better help you identify foods that feature a high
concentration of nutrients for the calories they contain, we created a
Food Rating System. This system allows us to highlight the foods that
are especially rich in particular nutrients. The following chart shows
the nutrients for which this food is either an excellent, very good, or
good source (below the chart you will find a table that explains these
qualifications). If a nutrient is not listed in the chart, it does not
necessarily mean that the food doesn't contain it. It simply means that
the nutrient is not provided in a sufficient amount or concentration to
meet our rating criteria. (To view this food's in-depth nutritional
profile that includes values for dozens of nutrients - not just the ones
rated as excellent, very good, or good - please use the link below the
chart.) To read this chart accurately, you'll need to glance up in the
top left corner where you will find the name of the food and the serving
size we used to calculate the food's nutrient composition. This serving
size will tell you how much of the food you need to eat to obtain the
amount of nutrients found in the chart. Now, returning to the chart
itself, you can look next to the nutrient name in order to find the
nutrient amount it offers, the percent Daily Value (DV%) that this
amount represents, the nutrient density that we calculated for this food
and nutrient, and the rating we established in our rating system. For
most of our nutrient ratings, we adopted the government standards for
food labeling that are found in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's
"Reference Values for Nutrition Labeling.Broccoli 1.00 cup raw 91.00 grams 30.94 calories | ||||
Nutrient | Amount | DV (%) | Nutrient Density | World's Healthiest Foods Rating |
vitamin C | 81.17 mg | 135.3 | 78.7 | excellent |
vitamin K | 92.46 mcg | 115.6 | 67.2 | excellent |
folate | 57.33 mcg | 14.3 | 8.3 | excellent |
vitamin A | 566.93 IU | 11.3 | 6.6 | very good |
manganese | 0.19 mg | 9.5 | 5.5 | very good |
fiber | 2.37 g | 9.5 | 5.5 | very good |
tryptophan | 0.03 g | 9.4 | 5.5 | very good |
potassium | 287.56 mg | 8.2 | 4.8 | very good |
vitamin B6 | 0.16 mg | 8.0 | 4.7 | very good |
vitamin B2 | 0.11 mg | 6.5 | 3.8 | very good |
molybdenum | 4.55 mcg | 6.1 | 3.5 | very good |
phosphorus | 60.06 mg | 6.0 | 3.5 | very good |
vitamin B5 | 0.52 mg | 5.2 | 3.0 | good |
protein | 2.57 g | 5.1 | 3.0 | good |
magnesium | 19.11 mg | 4.8 | 2.8 | good |
calcium | 42.77 mg | 4.3 | 2.5 | good |
choline | 17.02 mg | 4.0 | 2.3 | good |
vitamin B1 | 0.06 mg | 4.0 | 2.3 | good |
iron | 0.66 mg | 3.7 | 2.1 | good |
vitamin E | 0.71 mg | 3.5 | 2.1 | good |
selenium | 2.27 mcg | 3.2 | 1.9 | good |
vitamin B3 | 0.58 mg | 2.9 | 1.7 | good |
World's Healthiest Foods Rating | Rule |
excellent | DV>=75% OR Density>=7.6 AND DV>=10% |
very good | DV>=50% OR Density>=3.4 AND DV>=5% |
good | DV>=25% OR Density>=1.5 AND DV>=2.5% |
Nutrients in
1.00 cup raw (107.00 grams)
1.00 cup raw (107.00 grams)
Nutrient%Daily Value
vitamin C85.9%
vitamin K20.7%
vitamin B610%
vitamin B57.1%
vitamin B23.5%
vitamin B13.3%
vitamin B32.7%
Calories (26)1%
This chart graphically details the %DV that a serving of Cauliflower provides for each of the nutrients of which it is a good, very good, or excellent source according to our Food Rating System. Additional information about the amount of these nutrients provided by Cauliflower can be found in the Food Rating System Chart. A link that takes you to the In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Cauliflower, featuring information over 80 nutrients, can be found under the Food Rating System Chart.
- Health Benefits
- Description
- History
- How to Select and Store
- Tips for Preparing and Cooking
- How to Enjoy
- Individual Concerns
- Nutritional Profile
- References
Detox Support Provided by Cauliflower
If we fail to give our body's detox system adequate nutritional support, yet continue to expose ourselves to unwanted toxins through our lifestyle and our dietary choices, we can place our bodies at increased risk of toxin-related damage that can eventually increase our cells' risk of becoming cancerous. That's one of the reasons it's so important to bring cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables into our diet on a regular basis.
Cauliflower's Antioxidant Benefits
Cauliflower's Anti-inflammatory Benefits
Like chronic oxidative stress and chronic weakened detox ability, chronic unwanted inflammation can significantly increase our risk of cancers and other chronic diseases (especially cardiovascular diseases).
Cauliflower and Cardiovascular Support
Cauliflower and Digestive Support
Other Health Benefits from Cauliflower
All cruciferous vegetables provide integrated nourishment across a wide variety of nutritional categories and provide broad support across a wide variety of body systems as well. For more on cruciferous vegetables see:
Cauliflower, a cruciferous vegetable, is in the same plant family as broccoli, kale, cabbage and collards. It has a compact head (called a "curd"), with an average size of six inches in diameter, composed of undeveloped flower buds. The flowers are attached to a central stalk. When broken apart into separate buds, cauliflower looks like a little tree, something that many kids are fascinated by.
Surrounding the curd are ribbed, coarse green leaves that protect it from sunlight, impeding the development of chlorophyll. While this process contributes to the white coloring of most of the varieties, cauliflower can also be found in light green and purple colors. Between these leaves and the florets are smaller, tender leaves that are edible.
Raw cauliflower is firm yet a bit spongy in texture. It has a slightly sulfurous and faintly bitter flavor.
The milk, sweet, almost nutty flavor of cauliflower is at its best from December through March when it is in season and most plentiful in your local markets.
Cauliflower traces its ancestry to the wild cabbage, a plant thought to have originated in ancient Asia Minor, which resembled kale or collards more than the vegetable that we now know it to be.
The cauliflower went through many transformations and reappeared in the Mediterranean region, where it has been an important vegetable in Turkey and Italy since at least 600 B.C.
It gained popularity in France in the mid-16th century and was subsequently cultivated in Northern Europe and the British Isles. The United States, France, Italy, India, and China are countries that produce significant amounts of cauliflower.
When purchasing cauliflower, look for a clean, creamy white, compact curd in which the bud clusters are not separated. Spotted or dull-colored cauliflower should be avoided, as well as those in which small flowers appear.
Heads that are surrounded by many thick green leaves are better protected and will be fresher. As its size is not related to its quality, choose one that best suits your needs.
Store uncooked cauliflower in a paper or plastic bag in the refrigerator where it will keep for up to a week. To prevent moisture from developing in the floret clusters, store it with the stem side down.
If you purchase pre-cut cauliflower florets, consume them within one or two days as they will lose their freshness after that. Since cooking causes cauliflower to spoil quicker, consume it within two to three days of placing in the refrigerator after cooking.
Tips for Preparing Cauliflower
Cauliflower florets are the part of the plant that most people eat.
However, the stem and leaves are edible too and are especially good for
adding to soup stocks.
To cut cauliflower, first remove the outer leaves and then slice the florets at the base where they meet the stalks. You can further cut them, if you desire pieces that are smaller or of uniform size. Trim any brown coloration that may exist on the edges.
Cauliflower contains phytonutrients that release odorous sulfur compounds when heated. These odors become stronger with increased cooking time. If you want to minimize odor, retain the vegetable's crisp texture, and reduce nutrient loss, cook the cauliflower for only a short time.
Some phytonutrients may react with iron in cookware and cause the cauliflower to take on a brownish hue. To prevent this, add a bit of lemon juice to the water in which you blanch the cauliflower.
The Healthiest Way of Cooking Cauliflower
Cauliflower and Purines
Cauliflower contains naturally occurring substances called purines.
Purines are commonly found in plants, animals, and humans. In some
individuals who are susceptible to purine-related problems, excessive
intake of these substances can cause health problems. Since purines can
be broken down to form uric acid, excess accumulation of purines in the
body can lead to excess accumulation of uric acid. The health condition
called "gout" and the formation of kidney stones from uric acid are two
examples of uric acid-related problems that can be related to excessive
intake of purine-containing foods. For this reason, individuals with
kidney problems or gout may want to limit or avoid intake of
purine-containing foods such as cauliflower.
Cauliflower as a "Goitrogenic" Food
Cauliflower is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, and folate. It is a very good source of vitamin B5, potassium, dietary fiber, manganese, and molybdenum. Additionally, it is a good source of protein, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, and iron.
In-Depth Nutritional Profile
In addition to the nutrients highlighted in our ratings chart, an
in-depth nutritional profile for Cauliflower
is also available. This profile includes information on a full array of
nutrients, including carbohydrates, sugar, soluble and insoluble fiber,
sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and more.Introduction to Food Rating System Chart
Cauliflower 1.00 cup raw 107.00 grams 26.75 calories | ||||
Nutrient | Amount | DV (%) | Nutrient Density | World's Healthiest Foods Rating |
vitamin C | 51.57 mg | 86.0 | 57.8 | excellent |
vitamin K | 16.59 mcg | 20.7 | 14.0 | excellent |
folate | 60.99 mcg | 15.2 | 10.3 | excellent |
choline | 47.40 mg | 11.2 | 7.5 | very good |
vitamin B6 | 0.20 mg | 10.0 | 6.7 | very good |
potassium | 319.93 mg | 9.1 | 6.2 | very good |
fiber | 2.14 g | 8.6 | 5.8 | very good |
manganese | 0.17 mg | 8.5 | 5.7 | very good |
molybdenum | 5.35 mcg | 7.1 | 4.8 | very good |
vitamin B5 | 0.71 mg | 7.1 | 4.8 | very good |
tryptophan | 0.02 g | 6.2 | 4.2 | very good |
phosphorus | 47.08 mg | 4.7 | 3.2 | good |
protein | 2.05 g | 4.1 | 2.8 | good |
magnesium | 16.05 mg | 4.0 | 2.7 | good |
vitamin B2 | 0.06 mg | 3.5 | 2.4 | good |
vitamin B1 | 0.05 mg | 3.3 | 2.2 | good |
vitamin B3 | 0.54 mg | 2.7 | 1.8 | good |
iron | 0.45 mg | 2.5 | 1.7 | good |
World's Healthiest Foods Rating | Rule | |
excellent | DV>=75% OR Density>=7.6 AND DV>=10% | |
very good | DV>=50% OR Density>=3.4 AND DV>=5% | |
good | DV>=25% OR Density>=1.5 AND DV>=2.5% |
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