Analects of Confucius: A superior man 君子 is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.He makes the difficulty to be overcome his first interest; success only comes later and thinks always of virtue and what is right. Inferior man 小人 who is petty in mind and heart, narrowly self-interested, greedy, superficial, or materialistic.
31 July 2013
27 July 2013
Red Spinach 苋菜 (xiàncài)
Late winter through spring. Usually found at farmers markets.
Red spinach leaves are round, thick, and rich green with an bright red coloring along the central stem area. Red spinach has a sweet, green flavor and delicate texture very similar to standard spinach.
Nutritional Value
Very low in calories, fresh spinach is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, plus iron and other essential minerals.
Red spinach can be eaten fresh or cook and stands up well to wilting and sauteing. Use as a salad leaf or as a dark, leafy green. Pair with spring vegetables, citrus, berries, eggs, nuts, bacon, pasta, and fresh cheeses. Flavor with Indian or Middle Eastern spices, creams, ginger, garlic, shallots, chiles and soy. Red spinach will keep, dry and refrigerated, for one to two weeks.
Ethnic/Cultural Info
Most seed suppliers classify spinach varieties by the appearance of their leaf types: flat and smooth leaves, leaves that are semi-savoyed (crinkled) or those that are heavily savoyed or somewhere in between.
Spinach, a cultivated plant of the genus Spinacia oleracea, is native to, or close to, Persia. Cultivation later moved to Spain with the invading Moors around 1100-1200 A.D. Preferring cool temperatures, sandy soil and some dryness, spinach grows well in California and Texas. Spinach is a cool season crop and belongs to the goosefoot family, Chenopodiaceae, along with beets and Swiss chard.
Benefits of Red Spinach
Red Spinach plant part used is the leaves and roots. For treatment, red amaranth is considered more nutritious than spinach green.
Spinach leaves is used for the treatment of: cleaning the blood after the birth, strengthens hair roots, low blood pressure, kurangdarah (anemia), and renal failure.
For drugs taken, provide 25-30 g of fresh leaves, then boiled and eaten as lalap. Besides boiling, spinach can also be blended to be drunk.
For external use only, minced fresh spinach leaves until smooth, then stick to the wounds of venomous animal bites.
Less blood
Wash the spinach leaves three red cell, then mashed until smooth. Add one tablespoon of lemon juice, then strain. Next, add one tablespoon of honey and a chicken egg yolk and stir until blended, then this potion and drink processing> 7atan done once a day for a week. Furthermore, treatment can be conducted twice a week until the disease cured.
Wash the roots of 10 stems of red spinach thoroughly, then mash until smooth. Add salt teaspoon fine tip of a flat, stirring frequently, then strain. For treatment, drinking water filter at once.
Strengthen hair roots
Wash a bunch of leaves and stems fresh spinach thoroughly, then mash until smooth. Add salt teaspoon fine tip of a flat, stirring frequently. Next, squeeze and strain, and drink at once. Do it 2-3 times a week.
25 July 2013
呋喃唑酮就是药店的痢特灵,一般作为内部系统杀菌药物。另外建议能用甲基蓝 庆大霉素解决的细菌性疾病就不要用黄粉,呋喃类药物对鱼造成的伤害持续时间是很长的。
利特灵(呋喃唑酮):为硝基呋喃类抗菌药。对革兰阳性及阴性菌均有一定抗菌作用,包括沙门菌属、志贺菌属、大肠杆 菌、肺炎克雷伯菌、肠杆菌属、金葡菌、粪肠球菌、化脓性链球菌、霍乱弧菌、弯曲菌属、拟杆菌属等,在一定浓度下对毛滴虫、贾第鞭毛虫也有活性。其作用机制 为干扰细菌氧化还原酶从而阻断细菌的正常代谢。主要用于敏感菌所致的细菌性痢疾,肠炎、霍乱,也可以用于伤寒、副伤寒、贾第鞭毛虫病、滴虫病等。与制酸剂 等药物合用于治疗幽门螺杆菌所致的胃窦炎。
其中甲硝唑和利特灵常联合在一起用于治疗鱼类的肠炎和内寄生虫。黄粉是呋喃西林,医院用的黄药水就是。干扰细菌糖代谢的早期阶段,导致细菌代谢紊乱而死 亡,其抗菌谱较广,对多种革兰阳性和阴性菌有抗菌作用,对绿脓杆菌抗菌力弱,对假单孢菌属及变形杆菌属有耐药性。在体外能抑制一般的细菌,高浓度时可杀 菌,外用冲洗或湿敷处理体表感染和皮肤疾病,效果令人满足,用药后使细菌数量大大减少。因毒性较大,只能外用。一般用在鱼身上消炎、杀菌。
甲硝唑,药物的硝基还原成一种细胞毒,从而作用于细菌的DNA代谢过程,抑制细菌的脱氧核糖核酸的合成,干扰细菌的生长、繁殖,最终导致细胞死亡。而耐药 菌往往缺乏硝基还原酶。用于治疗肠道和肠外阿米巴病(如阿米巴肝脓肿、胸膜阿米巴病等)。还可用于治疗阴道滴虫病、小袋虫病和皮肤利什曼病、麦地那龙线虫 感染等。目前还广泛用于厌氧菌感染的治疗。牙痛也用。在鱼身上往往是除内寄。
黄粉简介:黄粉只是一个俗称。黄粉有两种叫法,呋喃西林和呋喃唑酮都可以叫黄粉,这里黄粉是指呋喃类药物,呋喃类药 物的作用都大同小异。这些药在药店就能找到。一些复合制剂,比如日本黄粉,这些药一般鱼店会有。一般黄粉应该是复合的,通常黄粉指呋喃西林。本人一般情况 下不提倡使用,一般头洞什么的就要用上它了,使用方法就是把黄粉直接到在头洞处。
黄粉不是神药:很多朋友把黄粉和盐摆在同一高度,鱼有没有问题有什么问题先不问,反正先丢一把下去再说。黄粉,即呋 喃西林。亮黄色结晶粉末,味苦。观赏鱼市场上多见呋喃西林溶液,使用起来十分方便,但浓度偏低。呋喃西林有明显的抑菌杀菌作用,温和毒性低,是一种常用的 鱼药。可以治疗烂尾,烂鳍,烂肉,充血,对肠炎也有一定疗效。但~~~~~~把它如此滥用实在不敢苟同,其对某些菌种威力很小,甚至产生耐药性。很多鱼商 把它用于长途运输的保险药,更有甚者某些鱼店常年用它泡鱼。回想一下,朋友你是否记得买鱼时水的颜色?这种用药顶着的鱼,买回来后死亡率是很高的。老生常 谈,养鱼先养水。把调控水质看重一点儿,注意饲料的卫生,鱼儿是不会轻易生病的。纵有不适,首先应该考虑的实在应该是水。以上皆一家之言,多有不妥。
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